Routine Vs. Ritual

We all have things that we feel are routine in our lives.  Routines are often seen as a chore, something that’s just done just because it has to be done.  However rituals are things we do for ourselves.  A way of doing something that has purpose and usually has a positive outcome.  A ritual is intentional and daily rituals differ, just like people.  For some it’s as simple as reading in bed at night or meditation before a morning coffee or a run and as the last 12 months have highlighted,  in a world of ever-changing variables, a ritual is a constant.



While brushing your teeth may seem to be a daily chore, it’s easy to re-think your routine and turn it into a ritual because caring for your teeth and oral health should be something you want to do and the joy and benefits of transformative rituals that turn the ordinary into amazing are tangible.  We can all make small changes that deliver big results and your daily oral care is one that’s easy to transform. A daily practice of great oral heath becomes preventative, just like eating healthily and sleeping well.



Dsmile’s award-winning daily dental kit makes it easy to define a new ritual that enhances your overall wellbeing - and it only takes three quick steps of brush + floss + rinse twice a day.